Sunday 6 September 2009

Kitty Likes Eggs

If you know Kitty you'll know she is something of a fussy eater. If you knew me as a child you'll know where she gets it from....

Anyway she has discovered ..EGGS... they have been around for most of her life having chickens living in the garden, and a brother who has been cooking his own eggs for years, a mum who loves stilton and broccoli quiche, and a dad who has been known to eat fried egg sandwiches in the middle of the night as a snack.... So at last Kitty has begun eating them enthusiastically. This morning for breakfast she poached herself 2 egg whites and devoured them with cornish sea salt and a bagel (no butter). Think you get the picture...

Saturday 5th September

The beginning of the new Football Season.

Still smiling after their first defeat of the season.

This afternoon we went to Moors Valley Country Park for a cycle ride. we had been there last year and managed to get seriously lost on one of their trails, the family friendly route we thought we were on was actually a bridleway with some serious hills - quite a challenge last year when we had Kitty on the tag-a-long! This year we decided to try again and Brin saved us at the very last minute from taking the wrong turning for a second year running - it would have been even worse this year as the children were on their own bikes.

What did I learn? That a double check of a map is a really good idea and that the family friendly cycle trails at Moors Valley really are just that, wide, flat trails and lots of fun!

Friday 4th September

My house needs an Autumn clear out.

Not so much a spring clean in this house but definately an Autumn one. Over the summer we spend such little time in the house, we were busy or away every weekend between the end of May and this weekend that we never have time to stop and do jobs! Piles of paperwork and momentos from trips get dumped on my desk and today I spent most of the day clearing it and beginning to get sorted elsewhere. A long job but it has to start somewhere... Photos when it's finished!

Thursday 3 September 2009

Today I learned....

...That I can bring happiness to others without having to be perfect.

I took some baby photos for a friend with her 2 week old baby. She is thrilled with them, I am pleased she is happy but am more self criticial of my photography skills. I won't tell you how many times I woke up last night thinking about it!

2nd September

I learned that JB cares about his hair.

I remember a few years ago on holiday at centre parcs watching a boy who was about 8 take ages getting his hair perfect after swimming. I wondered at the time when I would ever see JB like that - JB who would wear the first things he put his hands on, irrespective of the weather or suitability for the occassion. Well today it happened! We'd been swimming at David Lloyd, our last day of the summer holidays and after showering JB spent ages in front of the mirror, spiking up his hair, flicking it in different directions, posing infront of the mirror. Hooray! My boy is growing up.

Learn Something New Every Day

1st September 2009

Learn Something New Every Day is an online Scrapbooking class by Shimelle, it runs every September with prompts encouraging you to document the month. I have high hopes for turning it into a scrapbook as I did 3 years ago, but though I'd use this blog as a way of capturing each day for now.

So ...

Today I learned ....

that lazy days of summer will soon be behind us.

Saturday 11 July 2009